1. A system (201) for projecting an image of scanner in a room (100) for a patient study, the projection (105) of scanner image is installed in the room to project an image onto the surface (106) of the room, the image projection system comprises: - a unit (202 ) reflector comprising a reflector (206), wherein the reflector is positioned relative to the image projector so that the first reflector block mode image is projected onto the first surface (106) of the room, and the second reflector block pICTURE s is projected onto the second surface (107) of the room, the first and second surfaces of the room are mismatched, and wherein the change from the first to the second mode is dependent on the input signal, - generator (204) signal to produce an input signal indicative of the location patsienta.2. image projection system according to Claim. 1 further comprising a viewing device (300) with one or two reflectors (301) adapted to change the trajectory of the viewing path between the patient and the first surface of the room to the path between the patient and the second surface komnaty.3. image projection system of claim. 1, the first surface (106) is a surface adjacent to the entrance to patients of scanner room, and wherein the second surface (107) is the surface visible to the patient lying on the table scanner in komnate.4 of scanner. image projection system of claim. 1, wherein the generator (204) signal is a manually operated pereklyuchatelem.5. image projection system of claim. 1, wherein the generator (204) B1. Система (201) проецирования изображения для использования в сканерной комнате (100) для исследования пациента, причем проектор (105) изображения устанавливается в сканерной комнате, чтобы проецировать изображение на поверхность (106) комнаты, система проецирования изображения содержит:- блок (202) отражателя, содержащий отражатель (206), причем отражатель расположен относительно проектора изображения так, что в первом режиме блока отражателя изображение