Selective IL-6-trans signaling inhibitors can be used to treat a variety of IL-6 mediated conditions including inflammatory diseases and cancer. The inhibitor can be safely administered to humans at various doses. In addition, this inhibitor reduces the deleterious effects associated with other IL-6 inhibitors, such as reducing neutrophil count, platelet count and C-reactive protein levels.選択的IL-6-トランスシグナル伝達阻害剤が、炎症性疾患及びがんを含む種々のIL-6媒介性状態を処置するために使用され得る。この阻害剤は、種々の用量でヒトに安全に投与され得る。更に、この阻害剤は、好中球数、血小板数及びC反応性タンパク質のレベルを低下させる等の、他のIL-6阻害剤と関連する有害効果を減らす。