A method to protect a Plant against pathogen bacterial, fungal or viral because comprises contacting the plant with Bismuth thiol (BT); method for Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance in a Plant, or on which is present a bacterial Plant pathogen resistant to an Tibioticos.
Compositions and methods, including novel homogeneous microparticulate suspensions, are described for treating natural and artificial surfaces that contain bacterial biofilm, including unexpected synergy or enhancing effects between bismuth-thiol (BT) compounds and certain antibiotics, to provide formulations including antiseptic formulations. Previously unpredicted antibacterial properties and anti-biofilm properties of disclosed BT compounds and BT compound-plus-antibiotic combinations are also described, including preferential efficacies of certain such compositions for treating certain gram-positive bacterial infections, and distinct preferential efficacies of certain such compositions for treating certain gram-negative bacterial infections.MÉTODO PARA PROTEGER UNA SUPERFICIE DE UN ARTÍCULO MANUFACTURADO CONTRA UN PATÓGENO BACTERIANO, QUE COMPRENDE CONTACTAR DICHA SUPERFICIE CON UN DESINFECTANTE QUE COMPRENDE UNA COMPOSICIÓN DE BISMUTO-TIOL (BT)