Bavykina Irina Anatolevna (RU),Бавыкина Ирина Анатольевна (RU),Pochivalov Aleksandr Vladimirovich (RU),Почивалов Александр Владимирович (RU),Panina Olga Alekseevna (RU),Панина Ольга Алексеевна (RU),Ba
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to paediatrics, and can be used as an auxiliary method when designing a treatment plan for patients with autism spectrum disorders. Method for predicting the effectiveness of behavioural disorders in children with autism with observing a gluten-free diet involves collecting anamnesis data, determining parameters of nutritional status, serological and genetic gluten intolerance markers, with subsequent construction of a regression equation: Kpr (behaviour) = 5.03845 + 0.00796107*P01 + 0.0635654*P02 - 0.023714*P03 - 0.0174385*P04 + 0.104694*P05 - 0.274297*P06 - 0.0187319*P07 - 0.0678975*P08 - 0.203862*P09 - 0.0159421*P10 + 0.0835771*P11, where: P01 - duration of diet compliance in months; P02 is gender, denoted by 1 for boys, number 2 for girls; P03 - age, number of full years; P04 is growth in centimetres; P05 is weight in kilograms; P06 is body weight index, conventional units; P07 - serum venous blood level, mcmol/l; P08 is the serum level of venous blood, mmol/l; P09 - availability of marker HLA DQ2/DQ8, zero - absent, unit - detected; P10 - level of antibodies of class G to gliadin, unit/ml; P11 is level of antibodies of A class to deamidized gliadin peptides, unit/ml. If the value of the prediction coefficient exceeds 0.33 conventional units, then judging on the expediency of gluten-free diet appointment, and if value of prediction coefficient is 0.33 conventional units and less, gluten-free diet compliance is judged to be ineffective.EFFECT: invention enables to obtain a prediction tool which takes into account the initial level of individual indicators of nutritional status and genetic markers for prescribing diet therapy in order to correct difficulties of memorizing and mastering new skills.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к педиатрии, и может быть использовано в качестве вспомогательного метода при составлении плана лечения пациентов с нарушениями аутистического спек