Закрытое акционерное общество "Чайная компания № 1"
Лившиц Александр Михайлович
1. A process for the production of natural roasted coffee beans with additives, characterized in that the green coffee beans is heat-treated (fried) accelerated manner by loading a batch of green coffee roaster convective toasting process preheated to a temperature of 250 ° C ± 5 ° C roasting is carried out hot air supply temperature of 240 ° C ± 5 ° C via batch of coffee under continuous stirring for 7-9 min after the indicated time flow of hot air is stopped and water is added if 4% honors ensuring its uniform distribution roasted coffee beans discharged from the roasting machine in closed containers and allowed to stand for 40-50 h coffee is weighed and transferred into the blending drum kneader, a blending drum injected additive with a particle size of not more than 0, 6 mm is carried out mixing until a uniform distribution of the additive of the grains, with the introduction of more than one additive prior to introducing the following additives is carried out mixing until a uniform distribution of the previous additives, after the last obavki stirring was carried out the total amount of additives included is not more than 3% by weight kofe.2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that additives are ground natural spices various additives, for example alkalized cocoa powder, cream powder, vanillin, both in pure form and mixed in various proportsiyah.3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the kneader used machine VAEM SL-38.4. A method according to claim 3, characterized in that the introduction of additives machine charged from 40 to 100 kg kofe.5. A method according to claim 1, wherein1. Способ производства кофе натурального жареного в зернах с добавками, отличающийся тем, что зеленый кофе в зернах термически обрабатывают (обжаривают) ускоренным методом путем загрузки партии зеленого кофе в обжарочный аппарат конвективного способа обжаривания предварительно нагретого до температуры 250°С ±5°Собжаривание осуществляют подачей горячего в