Humidity traps (photo # 1) are already used to protect the pump vacuum installed on a tubing network of a maple grove (photo # 2). The method is to do pass air from the tubing network through a tank installed at sucking the vacuum pump. When the tank is half full then the user has to stop vacuum pump, manually empty the water and restart the pump. This having for effect to reduce the vacuum of the tubing network (photo # 3) kept under vacuum at help from this vacuum pump thus producing a loss of productivity. The idea of the invention is to replace the moisture trap with a reservoir for double compartments, the first (above) for the collection of moisture from the air and the other (below) for relaxation to the atmosphere to allow water to be drained in a floor drain (Drawing # 2). At startup, by default the controller (Drawing # 3-31) allows the vacuum pump to start if the protection sensor (Drawing # 1-13) is inactive The method, in accumulation mode (Drawing # 1), is to allow the passage air from the sugar bush tubing network into the compartment of Moisture collection (Drawing # 1-11) then water transfer compartments and accumulates slowly in the relaxation compartment (Drawing # 1-12). When the sensor emptying is active (Drawing # 2-24) then the drain sequence is enabled (Drawing # 2) without stop the vacuum pump. Throughout the cycle, the controller (Drawing # 3) come back in accumulation mode while monitoring, during the process, the conditions of protection for the vacuum pump. Throughout the cycle, the controller (Drawing # 3) returns to the beginning in accumulation while monitoring, during this cycle, the conditions of protection for the pump vacuum.On utilise déjà des trappes d'humidité (photo # 1) pour protéger la pompevacuuminstallée sur un réseau de tubulure d'une érablière (photo # 2). La méthodeest de fairepasser l'air en provenance du réseau de tubulure par un réservoir installé àla succion dela pompe vacuum. Quand le réservoir est à