way of construction and antycyklon\u00f3w cyclones is przepompowaniu air layer or layers of low friction, and even sredniego heightsin a positive atmosphere to obtain higher dew point through the pump (2) embedded on the surface of the earth (1) or water, or placed on a blimp (4) or other nosniku,water supply or without bringing the good wtlaczajaca air mounted air pump pipe (3) tloczacej,provides for at least one plane (4) or other nosnik, maintained under favourable executioner and suitable height.on przeciwleglej side embedded is nozzle viscosity tributary flowing air.in the tube (3) can be kept favourably higher pressure and temperature in order to obtain outside the wind dolinnego or free lifting without maintaining taller pressure and temperatury. thanks adjustable nozzle and adjustable work rotor pump (2) air is maintained higher pressure and temperature by sterujacy computer.the job control computer takes place through at least one temperature sensor and at least one pressure sensor, embedded in a pipe (3) tloczacej.way is also przepompowywaniu air from higher layers of the atmosphere, and even the stratosphere, in the body or in the body of low friction and even sredniego heightsby the pump (2) placed on the surface (1) of earth or water, or placed on a blimp (4).in this state the pump (2) sucking air from the pipe (3) ssacej, and it maintained positive lower pressure and temperature, in order to wywolania outside the wind mountain.for this purpose, the ssacy must be kept under positive angle. on the other side is embedded with a regulated przelotowym nozzle cross-section.maintaining positive podcisnienia pipe (3) ssacej, controls the computer by control speed rotary turbine rotor pump (2).work control computer is through the at least one temperature sensor and at least one pressure sensor mounted in a pipe (3) ssacej.Sposób budowy cyklonów i antycyklonów polega na przepompowaniu powietrza z warstwy tarcia, lub z warstw niskiego a nawet sredniego pulapu, w