A method for delivering a beverage product ready to taste individually for consumidorindividual, said method comprising the steps of: a) a delivery device data it receives and collects data preferably b) said device providing data communicates such data consumer preference with directorde preparation to taste c) said preparation to taste director processes the data collected pordicho consumer preferences data input device and generates a set of executable instructions to produce the taste unabebida prepared individually d) said director preparation to taste communicating said set of executable instructions for producirdicha beverage prepared individually to taste a beverage delivery system e) said delivery system beverage producing said beverage prepared to taste individualmenteutilizando said set of executable instructions such preference data losconsumidores, wherein said delivery system beverages delays dilution of extract bebidadurante a period of about 5 minutes after the start of the processing delextracto and wherein said beverage delivery system performs one or more of the following steps inany order to produce said beverage to taste prepared individually: i. delay mix beverage extract by fractionating the extract beverage during laelaboración to form a plurality of fractions including at least one subsequent yuna forecut fraction Fractions keep the beverage delivery system for a períodomínimo about 5 minutes after the start of preparation of the extract and mixing the fractions in different proportions to produce the beverage product prepared Algusto ii. filtering the delayed beverage extract beverage extract maintaining contact posos decafe the beverage delivery system for a minimum period of about 5 minutosdespués the start of the processing of the extract filtering the beverage extract contactocon kept the coffee grounds to create a filtered extract and use the filtered extract to produce elproducto prepared beverage to taste.Un método para entregar un p