The present invention relates to a probe for artificially inseminating an animal, including: a cylindrical body to be inserted inside the vagina of the animal and ending in a distal element provided with a discharge opening and a storage space for semen to be injected. The cylindrical body consists of a hollow tube, and the storage space comprises a flexible tube that is molded onto the proximal end of the cylindrical body on one side and onto a plug on the other side, said plug allowing the storage space to be filled under pressure. In the inoperative position, after being filled, the semen is located mainly in the expanded flexible tube while an overpressure prevails inside the cylindrical body. In the operative position, when the flexible tube is outside the vagina of the animal, the semen is moved into the entire cylindrical body through the discharge opening under the effect of suction and of the contraction of the flexible tube returning to the original volume thereof.