Which comprises a Head part which supports the occiput a central part which supports the neck part and a Flow where the rest of the shoulders.A small size for neonates is 34 to 36 weeks a medium size for infants of 37 to 39 Weeks, and a large size for Newborns from 40 to 42 Weeks, being these sizes adaptable and interchangeable through a Central mechanism of adjustmentQUE COMPRENDE UNA PARTE CEFALICA DONDE SE APOYA EL OCCIPUCIO UNA PARTE CENTRAL DONDE SE APOYA LA NUCA Y UNA PARTE CAUDAL DONDE SE APOYAN LOS HOMBROS. UN TAMANO PEQUENO ES PARA NEONATOS DE 34 A 36 SEMANAS UN TAMANO MEDIANO PARA NEONATOS DE 37 A 39 SEMANAS Y UN TAMANO GRANDE PARA RECIEN NACIDOS DE 40 A 42 SEMANAS, SIENDO DICHOS TAMANOS ADAPTABLES O INTERCAMBIABLES ENTRE SI A TRAVES DE UN MECANISMO CENTRAL DE AJUSTE