Provide a steam and ampere supply device; Oacute; N-type battery and ampere; IACUTE; A-type coil, a C AMP; AACUTE; MARA de VAPORIZACI AMP; OACUTE; N-type multi-core and a tank equipped with DEP AMP; OACUTE; design for storage materials. D. de vaporizaci amp; Oacute; n, where the provision of vaporizaci amp substances; Oacute; n vaporizaci amp; Oacute; n; y EST amp; aacute;Comunicaci AMP; OACUTE; N Electric Amp; OACUTE; NICA has a microprocessor to control the operation of Vaporizaci AMP material supply device; OACUTE; N based on R AMP; EACUTE; GIMEN de Dosificaci AMP; OACUTE; N defined as Vaporizaci AMP material; OACUTE; N. R AMP; EACUTE; GIMEN de Dosificaci AMP; OACUTE; N provisions include predetermined doses defined by Duraci AMP; OACUTE; N in actual operating time; OACUTE; N;And there was a time delay before we started to provide an ex post dosage. There is a timer in communication to track the delay; there is a Gramaci Amp medium; there is a Gramaci Amp medium; there is an Oacute; there is a communication and an ampere; there is an Oacute; there is an Electric Amp; there is an Oacute; there is a microprocessor to record N AMP; there is a UACUTE; there is a start-up and hardness. CI AMP; OACUTE; N each action; OACUTE; NAnd a vibration and ampere control device; Oacute; N. Microprocessor avoids starting CI AMP; OACUTE; N, Vaporizaci AMP material supply device; OACUTE; N Despu AMP; EACUTE; S, CI AMP; OACUTE; N, until the delay time passes. TAMBI AMP; EACUTE; N provides a means for microprocessors to verify the completion of a predetermined dose release; a communication vibrator/AMP; OACUTE; N Electric AMP; OACUTE; NCA with a vibration microprocessor; and a vibration control device/AMP; OACU. You, N. LT, / P GT;<;p>;Se proporciona un dispositivo de suministro de sustancia de vaporizació;n que tiene una baterí;a, una bobina, una cá;mara de vaporizació;n, una pluralidad de mechas y un tanque que tiene un depó