The purpose of the present invention is to provide a porous shaped nonwoven fabric, which has excellent texture and good liquid permeability, is bulky, and is less susceptible to liquid return. The present invention provides a shaped nonwoven fabric with sections of relatively low specific volume and sections of relatively high specific volume present in parallel lines on the surface of the nonwoven fabric, wherein the low specific volume sections have thermally compressed areas alternating with porous areas and the high specific volume sections have ridges that have not been thermally compressed.本發明提供一種手感優異、通液性良好、蓬鬆且液體回流得到改善的具有開孔的賦形不織布。一種賦形不織布,比容積相對低的部分與比容積相對高的部分分別呈直線狀平行地存在於不織布表面,比容積低的部分交替地具有經熱壓縮的部分與開孔部分,比容積高的部分具有未經熱壓縮的稜。