The invention relates to a biopesticide with content of encapsulated essential oils and fatty acid potassium salts and also to a process for producing said biopesticide. The claimed biopesticide comprises a lipid nanoparticle suspension comprising 8...10% hydrogenated vegetable oil or wax with a freezing point of 55...86°C, 6...8% essential oil, 2.4...4.6% surface active substance with a HLB <; 8, 2.6...3.5% surface active substance with a HLB >;8, 1.7...2.1 % glycerin, 18...22% potassium salts of vegetable oil fatty acids, 0...18.6 % alcohol, 35.7...57.8% water, the percentage being expressed by weight. The claimed process consists in treating the vegetable oil at ambient temperature with a potassium hydroxide solution in the presence of a couple of surface-active substances and a solvent, to result in fatty acid potassium salts with a concentration of 30...40%, heating, while stirring, vegetable oil or wax, essential oil, a couple of surface-active substances and water, controlledly cooling the mixture, to result in a solid lipid nanoparticle suspension, the nanoparticles having a shell formed of hydrogenated vegetable oil or wax and a liquid core consisting of essential oils and the suspension is completed with fatty acid potassium salts.Invenţia se referă la un biopesticid cu conţinut de uleiuri esenţiale încapsulate şi de săruri de potasiu ale acizilor graşi, precum şi la un procedeu de obţinere a biopesticidului respectiv. Biopesticidul conform invenţiei este format dintr-o suspensie de nanoparticule lipidice, constituită din 8...10% în greutate ulei vegetal hidrogenat sau ceară cu punct de congelare 55...86°C, 6...8% în greutate ulei esenţial, 2,4...4,6% în greutate substanţă tensioactivă cu HLB<;8, 2,6...3,5% în greutate substanţă tensioactivă cu HLB>;8, 1,7...2,1% în greutate glicerină, 18...22% în greutate săruri de potasiu ale acizilor graşi din ulei vegetal, 0...18,6% în greutate alcool şi 35,7...57,8% în greutate apă. Procedeul confom invenţ