The disclosure provides an improved process of removing sulfites, such as butnot limited to free,molecular, ionized, bound and combined sulfur dioxide (SO2), from wine andother beverages, bycombining sequential steps of passing wine or other beverages containingsulfites through catalyticcompound (activated carbon) in step one, and through overflow sorptionmaterial (amorphous silicaor other suitable silicate compounds) in step two. This sequential treatmentof wine results indepletion of sulfites from wine and other beverages, and subsequently removesthe untowardsubstances (derived from atomic sulfur) created by the catalytic treatment.Together, these stepscomprise Method 1 as described in the disclosure. Method 2 is based ontreating wine and otherbeverages containing sulfites with solid phase alumunosilicate ion-exchangecompounds. Theutilization of Methods 1 and 2 of this invention preserves the integrity ofthe remaining chemicalcomposition of wine and other beverages tested, notwithstanding combined SO2.The disclosures ofMethods 1 and 2 provide a device for the effective and food-safe removal ofsulfites from wine andother beverages.