Preparation of concentrated coconut water that can be stored at room temperature will be described together with a method for producing RTD (can be drunk) coconut soft drink from concentrated coconut water. The resulting RTD soft drink is made only from coconut water that has just been extracted or processed without the addition of other fruit juices, additives, enzymes, flavors, colorants, or preservatives. The coconut water stock solution is concentrated by evaporation treatment to obtain concentrated coconut water having a water activity of 0.7% or less and at least 70 Brix. Concentrated coconut water is microbiologically stable at room temperature without the addition of additives or preservatives and does not require refrigeration. Water and other liquids are added to coconut water at a ratio of 20 to 30 parts by mass of water to 1 part by mass of concentrated coconut water that can be stored at room temperature to produce various coconut soft drinks.常温保存可能な濃縮ココナッツ水の調合について、RTD(そのまま飲める)ココナッツ清涼飲料水を濃縮ココナッツ水から製造する方法と合わせて説明する。結果的に得られるRTD清涼飲料水は、他の果汁、添加物、酵素、香味料、着色料、または防腐剤を添加せずに抽出または処理されたばかりのココナッツ水だけから作られる。ココナッツ水原液が蒸発処理により濃縮されて、水分活性が0.7%以下で少なくとも70ブリックスの濃縮ココナッツ水が得られる。濃縮ココナッツ水は、添加物または防腐剤を添加しなくても室温で微生物学的に安定しており、冷蔵を必要としない。水その他の液体を、常温保存可能な濃縮ココナッツ水1質量部に対して水20~30質量部の比率でココナッツ水に加えて各種のココナッツ清涼飲料水を生成する。