ДОМБ Абрахам Й. (IL),ЯНИВ Моран (IL),ВАЙСМАН Борис (IL),ЯНКЕЛЬСОН Лиор (IL)
1. A biocompatible gel comprising at least one crosslinked polymer and at least one branched polymer, wherein each of said crosslinked polymer and said branched polymer comprises one or more of castor oil, ricinoleic acid and / or oxystearic acid as a base. 2. The gel according to claim 1, wherein said branched polymer comprises a polyester. The gel according to claim 1, wherein said crosslinked material includes a crosslinker comprising an acid containing three or more carboxyl or alcohol groups. The gel according to claim 3, wherein said acid comprises one or more of citric acid, mucous acid, tartaric acid, or a combination thereof in an amount suitable for inducing crosslinking. The gel according to claim 1, wherein said crosslinked polymer comprises castor oil as a base and a crosslinker, wherein said crosslinker comprises an acid containing two or more carboxyl or alcohol groups. The gel according to claim 5, wherein said acid comprises one or more of citric acid, mucous acid, tartaric acid, sebacic acid or succinic acid, or a combination thereof in an amount suitable for inducing crosslinking. The gel according to claim 3, wherein said crosslinker comprises citric acid in an amount of at least 7% w / w with respect to the base. The gel of claim 7, wherein said citric acid is present in an amount of from about 7% to about 20%. The gel of claim 8, wherein said citric acid is present in an amount of from about 7.5% to about 10% weight / weight. The gel of claim 7, wherein said base comprises castor oil. The gel according to claim 5, where the specified crosslinker includes sebacin1. Биологически совместимый гель, включающий по меньшей мере один сшитый полимер и по меньшей мере один разветвленный полимер, где каждый из указанного сшитого полимера и указанного разветвленного полимера включает одно или несколько из касторового масла, рицинолеиновой кислоты и/или оксистеариновой кислоты в качестве основы.2. Гель по п.1, где указанный разветвленный полимер включает сл