1. A method of forming an edible chewing products for pets, comprising the steps of: a. extruding edible composition and b. introducing the extrudate into contact with a plurality of shaping rollers, wherein at least one of the shaping rollers has a rough surface and in contact with the extrudate of said irregular surface, the rough surface includes a plurality of bulges for creating irregularities on the extrudate surface, wherein at least some of the thickenings have an elongated shape and are offset at an angle to the direction of rotation of the forming roller, wherein said oblong shape oriented in two or more different napravleniyah.2. The method of claim. 1, wherein the edible composition is a two-part composition and the edible composition koekstrudiruyut to obtain inner and outer oblastey.3. A method according to Claim. 1 in which the extrudate has irregular cross-sectional shape comprising curved portions before contact with a plurality of molding rolikov.4. A method according to Claim. 1 further comprising a step in which the extrudate is cut into segments substantially perpendicular to the extrusion direction after contact with the forming rolikami.5. A method according to claim. 4, wherein each forming roll with uneven surface unevenness gives two ekstrudata.6 one segment. A method according to Claim. 1, in which most of bulges has an elongated shape and are offset at an angle to the direction of rotation of the forming rolika.7. A method according to Claim. 1, in which said plurality of shaping rollers comprises two forming rolika.8. The method of claim. 7, in which each of said two shaping rollers has an uneven by1. Способ формования съедобного жевательного изделия для животных, включающий стадии:a. экструдирования съедобной композиции иb. введения экструдата в контакт с множеством формующих роликов, причем, по меньшей мере, один из формующих роликов имеет неровную поверхность и контактирует с экструдатом указанной неровной поверхностью, неровная повер