The present invention relates to a mobile gas supply emergency first-aid station and, more particularly, to a mobile gas supply emergency first-aid station formed by including a medical gas supply unit, an emergency lighting unit, first-aid medicine and medical supplies box, a power supply unit, a first-aid bed, a retractable canopy, and a carrying vehicle, in which the carrying vehicle carries all the aforementioned medical equipment. When there is a disaster, such as an earthquake, a fire, a flood or an explosion, encountered in an area, a factory, a medical facility or a healthcare facility, and a large amount of patients require first-aid, the first-aid station can be rapidly established to perform medical treatment, so as to immediately perform the emergency injury classifications and the preliminary classification treatment for patients while the injured patients are waiting for the ambulance, thereby achieving the purposes of rapidly rescuing patients and reducing casualties.本發明為一移動式氣體供應緊急救護站,特指一種包含有一醫療氣體供應組、緊急照明組、急救藥品及衛材箱體、電源供應組、緊急救護床、伸縮雨遮及一承載載具,利用承載載具搭載上述醫療設備,以形成一可移動之緊急救護站,當地區、工廠、醫療或養護發生緊急災害(如地震、火災、水災、爆炸)造成大量傷患需緊急救護時,可迅速成立緊急救護站救治,使受傷病患於等待救護車接送的同時,能夠先行做緊急傷患檢傷分類及初步分級醫治傷患,達到迅速救護傷患、減少生命死傷之目的。(1)‧‧‧承載載具(11)‧‧‧車門(2)‧‧‧醫療氣體供應組(3)‧‧‧緊急照明組(4)‧‧‧急救藥品及衛材箱體(5)‧‧‧電源供應組(6)‧‧‧緊急救護床(7)‧‧‧伸縮雨遮