The invention relates to a wheelchair structure which is convenient for getting on and off. It is designed to be separated between the chair foot part and the chair foot part through the wheelchair. When getting on the car, the chair foot part of the wheelchair can be directly moved to the chair chair surface of the passenger car through the guide mechanism, while when getting off the car, the chair foot part of the wheelchair can be directly moved from the chair surface of the passenger car to the chair foot part of the wheelchair through the guide mechanism According to this, it can be implemented more easily and reduce the burden of the helpers when they get on and off the train.本創作係有關於一種方便上下車之輪椅結構,係透過輪椅之乘坐部與椅腳部之間採可分離設置,於上車時能經由導引機構直接將輪椅的乘坐部挪移至小客車的坐椅椅面上,而於下車時同樣經由導引機構直接將輪椅的乘坐部自小客車的坐椅椅面挪移至輪椅的椅腳部上;據此,提供一種於協助行動不方便者上下車時能更輕鬆實施,減輕協助者的負擔。