The invention relates to the use of 2,5-dihydroxybenzenesulphonic acid in theproduction of medicaments for the treatment of angiodependent diseases. Morespecifically, the invention relates to the use of the aforementioned compoundand, in particular, the calcium and potassium salts thereof, for the treatmentof two angiodependent diseases which present a reduction in apoptosis, namelycancer and psoriasis. The invention also discloses the antiproliferative,antimigratory, antiangiogenic and proapoptotic capacity of said family ofcompounds in non-quiescent cells. In addition, the invention details thepotentiating effect of said compounds on known cytostatic medicines in thetreatment of tumours and, specifically, on gliomas. The invention furtherrelates to the therapeutic efficacy of said compounds, based on the combinedantiproliferative, antiangiogenic and proapoptotic capacities thereof, in thetreatment of chronic psoriatic plaques.