The subject of the notification is self -tanning cosmetics,the method of application of the self -tanning cosmetic product and the cosmetic kit for the self -tanning cosmetic application dose. The notification concerns a self -tanning cosmetic product in the form of a kit: the base and the separately added active substance dihydroxyacetone (DHA),which is added in 2%-16% weight in relation to the total weight of the final composition. The base is indifferent,a cosmetic or dermatological substance. Optionally, it is possible to introduce an additional substance into the final cosmetic composition developed,as regards the use of a base containing an additive with self -tanning or tanning properties or moisturizing or greasing or radioprotective or odourless or opacifying or smoothing properties. The notification shall also cover the application of self -tanning cosmetics,which is based on this,that the active substance,which is the separate dihydroxyacetone (DHA) set is added in quantities from 2% to 16% of the total weight of the final composition to the base at the time when the application dose is made by the user. And the two components are mixed together in the intended,an appropriate part with a cosmetic or dermatological basis. The user decides on the proportion when preparing the application dose,which is prepared before application and possibly supplements the final composition with additional substances.Przedmiotem zgłoszenia jest samoopalający kosmetyk, sposób aplikowania samoopalającego kosmetyku oraz zestaw kosmetyczny do sporządzenia dawki aplikacyjnej samoopalającego kosmetyku. Zgłoszenie dotyczy samoopalającego kosmetyku w postaci zestawu: bazy i oddzielnie dołączonej substancji czynnej dihydroksyaceton (DHA), która dodawana jest w ilości 2%-16% wagowych w stosunku do całkowitego ciężaru finalnej kompozycji. Bazę stanowi obojętna, kosmetyczna lub dermatologiczna substancja. Opcjonalnie istnieje możliwość wprowadzenia do opracowanej finalnej kompozycji k