Pr\u00d3tese dental implant supported composed of infrastructure met\u00c1lica (1) (skeleton) and artificial crowns (teeth) is a solution of reabilita\u00c7\u00c3o arches edentulous maxilla and mand\u00cdbula. The infrastructure met\u00c1lica (1) (skeleton) is composed of tit\u00c2nio or chrome cobalt and produced by the intermediate of the method CAD \/ CAM (computer assisted designed \/ computer assisted manufacure).The teeth are composed of 12 units, and the false stumps of the structure are scanned by the intermediate of the CAD \/ CAM system, giving rise to 12 elements in oxide of zirconium, (2) to adjust to the structure. Are produced 12 individual crowns in ceramics (3) by the method of stratification and further cemented the manual infrastructure (1).The infrastructure (1) it is covered by resin acr\u00cdlica (7) ruimetizar natural gums. The crowns (3) that directly relate to the position of the implants dent\u00c1rios (5) \/ pillars (6) by the intermediate of the local connection (4) are perforated, making possible the removal of the structure where necessary.This model is aplic\u00c3vel utiltdade in the manufacture of a pr\u00d3tese total fixed implant supported with high standards est\u00c9ticos, hiome\u00c2nicos, and pass\u00cdvel six disconnected \/ reconnected to the implants easily.PRÓTESE DENTÁRIA IMPLANTO-SUPORTADA COMPOSTA POR INFRA-ESTRUTURA METÁLICA (1) (ESQUELETO) E COROAS ARTIFICIAIS (DENTES) CONSTITUINDO UMA SOLUÇÃO DE REABILITAÇÃO DE ARCADAS DESDENTADAS DA MAXILA E MANDÍBULA. A INFRA-ESTRUTURA METÁLICA (1) (ESQUELETO) É COMPOSTA POR TITÂNIO OU CROMO-COBALTO E PRODUZIDA POR INTERMÉDIO DO MÉTODO CAD/CAM (COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGNED/COMPUTER ASSISTED MANUFACURE) . OS DENTES SÃO COMPOSTOS POR 12 UNIDADES, SENDO QUE OS FALSOS COTOS DA ESTRUTURA SÃO SCANEADOS POR INTERMÉDIO DO SISTEMA CAD/CAM, DANDO ORIGEM A 12 COIFAS EM ÓXIDO DE ZIRCÓNIO (2) COM AJUSTE PRECISO À ESTRUTURA. SÃO PRODUZIDAS 12 COROAS INDIVIDUAIS EM CERÂMICA (3) PELO MÉTODO DE ESTRATIF