[PROBLEMS] When it is immersed in the drug solution adhering the drug microneedle tip manufacturing apparatus and to provide a substrate structure which does not adhere the drug to the substrate even if vibrations example. The invention relates to providing a cut in the substrate peripheral portion 13 of the microneedle array. Cut shapes are also oblique, in the stepped, may be a combination of them. The distance between the substrate peripheral portion 13 and the drug solution surface spreads, drug solutions even production equipment is less vibration is not adhered to the substrate periphery. .BACKGROUND 4【課題】薬物溶液に浸漬してマイクロニードル先端に薬物を付着させるとき、例え製造装置が振動しても基板に薬物が付着しない構造の基板を提供する。【解決手段】マイクロニードルアレイの基板周辺部13にカットを設ける。カットの形状は、斜めでも、階段状で、それらを組み合わせたものでも良い。基板周辺部13と薬物水溶液表面との距離が広がり、製造装置が多少振動しても薬物溶液が基板周辺部に付着しなくなる。【選択図】図4