Composition comprising a Biological control Agent of the species Bacillus subtilis and Fungicide in Group of inhibitors of mitosis and Cell Division as fenamidone.(Divisional Application 3272 - 2014)
<; p >; a Fungicide composition comprising at least a Biological control Agent selected from the group consisting aq713 (no access Bacillus subtilis NRRL B - 21661)Bacillus subtilis (no access aq30002 50421 NRRL B -), and a Fungicide (R), which is One Reason fenamidone in between 0.0005 and 1: 1: 0.1; use of the composition because it serves as a Fungicide, a general procedure to reduce the damage in plants and parts of PlantsAs well as losses in harvested fruits and vegetables caused by phytopathogenic which comprises applying the composition; a Kit of parts to reduce the damage in plants and parts of PlantsAs well as losses of harvested fruits and vegetables caused by phytopathogenic. <; / p >;<;p>;UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FUNGICIDA, QUE COMPRENDE AL MENOS UN AGENTE DE CONTROL BIOLÓ;GICO SELECCIONADO DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE EN BACILLUS SUBTILIS AQ713 (N°; DE ACCESO NRRL B-21661), BACILLUS SUBTILIS AQ30002 (N°; DE ACCESO NRRL B-50421), Y UN FUNGICIDA (I) EL CUAL ES FENAMIDONA EN UNA RAZÓ;N ENTRE 1:0,0005 Y 1:0,1; USO DE DICHA COMPOSICIÓ;N PORQUE SIRVE COMO FUNGICIDA; UN PROCEDIMIENTO PARA REDUCIR EL DAÑ;O GENERAL EN PLANTAS Y PARTES DE PLANTAS, ASÍ; COMO PERDIDAS EN FRUTOS COSECHADOS U HORTALIZAS PROVOCADAS POR FITOPATÓ;GENOS QUE COMPRENDE APLICAR DICHA COMPOSICIÓ;N; KIT DE PARTES PARA REDUCIR EL DAÑ;O GENERAL EN PLANTAS Y PARTES DE PLANTAS, ASÍ; COMO PÉ;RDIDAS DE FRUTOS COSECHADOS U HORTALIZAS CAUSADO POR FITOPATÓ;GENOS.<;/p>;