Yi Seed Ju Knot He Tight Mi With moisture-proof bone ash Inner tanks, it comprises:One Inner can bodies, with one of Open mouthfuls tanks Shang ChaoOne Inner Guan Cover, tool front and the back side, Bei Mian Cover Yi Feng Cover on The Inner can bodies live in Open mouthfuls of The tankThe O-shaped Zhi Lou Ring , Let whats Inner can bodies engagement Office or Inner Guan Cover of an at least Ge engage Office. In this way, on the one hand can Let urn can Inner tanks have the function of it is moisture-proof, avoid the portions Inner Gu Hui With Wet Gas Knot close, on the other hand, O-shaped Zhi Lou Ring more Let Inner Guan Shen With Inner Guan Cover engage Office Geng Tight Mi Knot conjunction the close effects of , Shi Da to Inner Guan Shen With Inner Guan Cover Knot He Tight.一種具結合緊密與防潮的骨灰內罐,其包含了:一內罐身,其具有朝上開口之一容槽;一內罐蓋,具正面及背面,背面蓋在該內罐身上以封蓋住該容槽的開口;至少一個O型止漏環,設於內罐身接合處或內罐蓋接合處。如此,一方面可讓骨灰罐內罐具有防潮的功能,避免內部骨灰與濕氣結合,另一方面,O型止漏環更讓內罐身與內罐蓋接合處更緊密結合,使達到內罐身與內罐蓋結合緊密功效。