A method for obtaining an extruded/expanded cereal-based biscuit with a fat and savory dough coating, comprising the steps of: mixing in a mixer the raw materials used for the base biscuit comprising mainly an ingredient having a high content of starch such as starch from corn, potato, cassava, sorghum or rice or wheat flour, with the addition of ingredients providing to the final aspect of the base biscuit protein sources such as powder milk, cheese whey powder or simple sugars such as sucrose or glucose, salt, and dyes, as well as other expansion- modifying ingredients such as calcium carbonate, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate and an acidic agent such as calcium monohydrogen phosphate) or a dietary fibre; making the biscuits forming the substrate on which the invention is put into practice, in an extruder using a head with dies forming strips of expanded material. adjusting the thickness of the strips of expanded material in a roller and then cutting them to form biscuits; placing the biscuit, using a vibrating distributor, on a single plane without overlaps and then delivering them onto a conveyor belt, characterized in that the biscuits are coated with a fat spray to seal the biscuits and allow for a subsequent application of a highly moisturized and fluid dough (batter), and then baking and cooling them on a conveyor before packing.L'invention concerne un procédé d'obtention d'un biscuit à base de céréales extrudé/dilaté enrobé d'une matière grasse et d'une pâte aromatique comprenant les étapes suivantes: le mélange dans un mélangeur des matières premières utilisées pour le biscuit de base comprenant principalement un ingrédient présentant une haute teneur en amidon tel que de l'amidon de maïs, de pomme de terre, de manioc ou de sorgho ou de la farine de riz ou de blé, des ingrédients étant ajoutés pour obtenir l'aspect final du biscuit de base, des sources de protéines telles que du lait en poudre, de la poudre de lactosérum de fromage ou des sucres simples