The enzyme solid phase reaction in order to manufacture the solid matter which possesses the mono glyceride which is more than as many as 40% from the reaction blend below Here, as for this reaction blend, (i) lipase (ii) at least 14 weight % the glycerine And according to need (iii) glyceride, and, the (iv) lecithin is included, when (iv) does not exist, the solid fat content whose glyceride (iii) approximately is more than approximately 75% with iodine number and the 20C with 5 and approximately 35 possesses. This invention furthermore regards the process in order to manufacture the enzyme solid phase reaction blend in order to manufacture the solid matter which possesses the mono glyceride which is more than as many as 40%.以下の反応混合物から40%よりも多いモノグリセリドを有する固体を調製するための酵素的固相反応;ここで、この反応混合物は、(i)リパーゼ;(ii)少なくとも14重量%のグリセロール;および(iii)グリセリド、ならびに必要に応じて、(iv)レシチンを含み、(iv)が存在しない場合、グリセリド(iii)が約5と約35との間のヨウ素価および20℃で約75%より多い固体脂肪含量を有する。本発明はさらに、40%よりも多いモノグリセリドを有する固体を調製するための酵素的固相反応混合物を調製するためのプロセスに関する。