Personal identification is implemented by picking up finger vein patterns when the user naturally grasps a grip (22) such as doorknob. The device for personal identification has a light source (3) provided to irradiate light on the finger (1) from the palm side, a camera (4) to pick up the vessel image of the finger, and a processor (10) to extract features of the vessel from the image and compare the obtained features with the registered ones. The camera picks up the light that exits from the backside of the finger after penetrating it.本發明之目的在於,握住門把手等握把之自然動作中,清楚地拍攝手指靜脈圖案,實現便利性優良且高精度的個人認證。為達成上述目的,設置有:光源,以自手指之掌側照射光的方式而設置;拍攝部,拍攝手指之血管圖像;圖像運算部,自圖像抽取血管之特徵及比對預先記憶之特徵。拍攝部自手指之背側進行手指之透射光的拍攝。