LJUTIKOV ALBERT ANATOLEVICH,Лютиков Альберт Анатольевич (RU),KIRGIZOVA OKSANA JUREVNA,Киргизова Оксана Юрьевна (RU),VASILEV VALERIJ GRIGOREVICH,Васильев Валерий Григорьевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, namely to therapeutic dentistry, and is intended for treatment of chronic periodontitis of moderate severity. Complex therapeutic treatment of teeth including supragingival ultrasound treatment of teeth surface by means of apparatus "Pieson-master 400", teeth polishing by means of apparatus "Air-Flow S2", subgingival treatment of teeth roots and sanitation of periodontal recesses by low-frequency ultrasound from apparatus "Vector", complete sanitation and closed curettage of periodontal recesses by means of diode laser "Prometey" and photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy is performed in the following way: preparation "Photoditasin" (1% gel) is applied on inflamed surfaces of oral cavity mucosa and into periodontal recesses for 8-10 minutes, after that gel is washed away and irradiation of periodontal recess by laser radiation is performed by means of light conductor for 1-2 minutes (depending on recess depth) with application of the following laser settings: wavelength 660±5 nm, radiation power - 0.2 W, continuous mode, total time of procedure - up to 20-30 min. After complex therapeutic teeth treatment, starting from the following day, patient is given a course of acupuncture including acupuncture of points E5 (da-in), E6 (Chia-che), J24 (cheng-jian), GI4 (he-gu), E36 (tsu-san-li). Time of impact on points is 15-20 min. Course of treatment includes 10 sessions. After finishing acupuncture course subgingival treatment of teeth roots and sanitation of periodontal recesses by low-frequency ultrasound from apparatus "Vector" is repeated to patient.EFFECT: method makes it possible to increase efficiency of chronic periodontitis treatment, prolong remission, avoid surgical methods of periodontitis treatment due to complex impact on all links of disease pathogenesis.2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к терапевтической стоматологии, и предназначено для лечения хронического пародонти