A novel continuous flow farming method for the production of material products is introduced. It is based on 3D SansSoil, (soil-less) mobile multi-layer architecture comprising the traveling seed amplifier, TSA concept, which features the continuous planting of seed mass mi in planting layers, and synchronously harvesting an amplified mass M=Gsthmi, where Gsth is the seed to harvest TSA gain and compresses the intrinsic seed to harvest time, τsth, by a factor of N/τsth, where N is the number of traveling layers. The TSA continuous flow farming increases the volumetric productivity and 3D yield. In 3D tower architecture, and for plants with short heights annual yield per hectare increases in the range of several 100 to several 1000 are feasible. This architecture saves land, water, nitrate and phosphate resources, alleviating the “food vs. biofuel” concerns, and paving the pathway for food and energy sovereignty.