The purpose of the invention is to provide a pollinator for the production of pollen in honey bees, which should be used to increase the efficiency of pollen production and at the same time to improve the quality of pollen obtained. According to the invention it is envisaged that the oscillator comprises separate passages (7, 8) for passing the bees in the direction towards the hive and in the opposite direction, namely the entrance passage (7) extending from the opening opening (70) of the oscillator through the passages (50) for removing pollen from the bees above the container (3) for collecting pollen and then towards the bee hive, and the outlet passage (8) extending from the beehive honey past said passages (50) towards the outlet opening (80).Namen izuma je zasnovati osmukalnik za pridobivanje cvetnega prahu v čebeljih panjih, s katerim naj bi bilo možno povečati učinkovitost pridobivanja cvetnega prahu in obenem tudi izboljšati kakovost pridobljenega cvetnega prahu. Po izumu je predvideno, da osmukalnik obsega med seboj ločena prehoda (7, 8) za prehod čebel v smeri proti panju in v nasprotni smeri, namreč vstopni prehod (7), ki poteka od vstopne odprtine (70) osmukalnika skozi prehode (50) za odstranjevanje cvetnega prahu s čebel nad posodo (3) za zbiranje cvetnega prahu in zatem proti čebeljemu panju, in izstopni prehod (8), ki poteka iz čebeljega panja mimo omenjenih prehodov (50) proti izstopni odprtini (80).