The invention relates to a capillary fluid for making human hair grow back. The invention relates to a capillary fluid, the simplicity of the composition of which gives it a low manufacturing cost and also a non-drying property favoring long application that sustainably promotes hair growth on the scalp. Said capillary fluid consists of a simple mixture of clay and oil. The capillary fluid according to the invention is particularly intended for growing back hair for aesthetic cosmetic development and hairstyling.Fluide cappillaire pour faire repousser notre chevelure. Linvention concerne un fluide capillaire qui par la simplicité de sa composition aura un faible cout de fabrication et de plus sa propriété non siccative favorisera de longue application suscitant durablement notre cuir chevelu. Il est constitué dun mélange simple dargile et dhuile. Le fluide capillaire selon linvention est particulièrement destiné a la repousse des cheveux pour lélaboration cosmétique ésthétique et coiffure.