Thispresent disclosed a process to make the powder of wax gourd sugar and themixture. It transferred the wax gourd sugar from cubic type to powder type byphysical methods. To narrow downwax gourd sugar size below 9 mm diameter. After mix wax gourd sugar powder with the dispersant which maximum lengthbetween 5 nm to 22 mm, the wax gourd sugar mixture can be prepared. The mainlycontribution of this present were :(a)Can well reduced 60% cooking process time when compare powder type with cubic type wax gourd sugar.(b) Can help to improve themeasurement offset from several gram to 0.5 gram.本創作為一種含冬瓜糖粉體之製品的製備方式,主要係將塊狀冬瓜糖,利用物理式粉碎處理,細化成粒徑9 mm以下之冬瓜糖粉體,再與可食用分散劑相互摻雜分散,藉此得到任一單體之最長邊小於22 mm的含冬瓜糖粉體之製品。藉由本創作之含冬瓜糖粉體之製品及其製備方法,可大幅縮減現有塊狀冬瓜糖製品60%的調理時間,並大幅提高其量測精準度至誤差值0.5公克內,實可便利調理者使用,並提高調理者開發更多應用之意願。