SOKOLOV, Evgeny Lvovich,СОКОЛОВ, Евгений Львович,CHECHIK, Andrey Anatolevich,ЧЕЧИК, Андрей Анатольевич,ELOKHOVSKIY, Vladimir Yurevich,ЕЛОХОВСКИЙ, Владимир Юрьевич,KOLONITSKY, Dmitry Ivanovich,КОЛОНИЦК
The invention relates to the field of measurement for clinical purposes, and more particularly to the measurement of parameters of water balance in the human body. Periodically at intervals of Δti after a person has begun to eat, the concentration of glucose Gi in their blood is measured, and the following are determined for a given interval Δti: the increase in the blood glucose concentration ΔGi the increase in the amount of glucose ΔG(pl)i in the blood plasma the amount of glucose ΔG(tis)i entering the insulin-dependent tissues the amount of glucose ΔG(met)i expended on metabolic processes in the body and the amount of glucose ΔG(tm)i expended on metabolic processes in the insulin-dependent tissues, on the basis of which the amount of glucose ΔG(Σ)i entering the persons blood in the given interval Δti is determined as ΔG(Σ)i=ΔG(pl)i+ΔG(tis)i+ΔG(met)i-ΔG(tm)i, and the amount of water entering the persons body with food up to a time point ti is judged as a quantity proportional to the total amount of glucose entering the persons blood up to the time point ti, which is determined as the sum of the amount of glucose entering the persons blood during each interval from the first (Δtl ) to the i-th (Δti) interval. The invention makes it possible to create an instrumental method for determining the amount of water entering a persons body with food irrespective of the composition of the food, both in real time and after the process of digestion is complete, taking into account individual characteristics of the way in which a persons body assimilates food.Linvention concerne le domaine des mesures à des fins diagnostiques et notamment des mesures de caractéristiques du bilan hydrique dune personne. Dès le début de lingestion daliments on mesure périodiquement, à des intervalles Δti, la glycémie Gi dans le sang de la personne et, lors de lintervalle Δti, on mesure laugmentation de la glycémie ΔGi, laugmentation de la quantité de glucose ΔG(pl)i dans le plasma sanguin, la q