A procedure for the preparation of a sandwich snack from non conventional vegetables, preferably Potato, Carrot, beet, cassava, Pumpkin and comprising the following Succession of stages: a First Stage consisting in the reception of the product; a Second ETAP To cleaning and removal of mud,Stones and other undesirable Elements; a third stage of selection to withdraw Products unfit for processing plants or Parts thereof as not suitable for processing; a Fourth Cutting stage and Classification in which each plant will be cut in Blades of Predetermined thickness of between 0.8 and 1.2 mm.By subjecting the product to a rain water as is laminated, to facilitate Cutting and prevent bonding between the sheets Cut, driving the laminated product to a Sieve sorting by size and by subjecting the product to a Steam injection can produce an e Effect of blanching; a Fifth stage of BakingDrying and cooling in a Furnace and Band with air circulation by varying the temperature of 80oC and Blend for a period of between 75 and 90 minutes, and the variable air flow based on the needs of each of the plants at the different stages of Cooking, suitab But the parameters of time, temperature and speed of air to each of the specific products.The occurrence and cooled to room temperature for about 20 minutes, then Passing the product through a Sieve to remove dust, Small products and breaks that have occurred during the Spray Drying; a Sixth Stage, applying the sales area S and Fat soluble and water soluble components that are intended to incorporate the productMay be required in the case of a Second Drying to remove the water and finally added a Seventh Step consisting in the packaging of the product.Un procedimiento para la elaboración de un bocadillo de aperitivo a partir de vegetales no convencionales, preferentemente batata, zanahoria, remolacha, mandioca y calabaza que comprende la siguiente sucesión de etapas: una primera etapa consistente en la recepción del producto; una segunda etapa