Healthy and tasty edible oil can be produced by putting fruit juice or dried fruit powder into cooking oil or olive oil. Kinds of fruits which can be added with are pear, pineapple, pomegranate, peach, orange, strawberry, banana, cherry, mango, citrus, coconut, lemon, quince, apple, grapefruit, melon, Japanese apricot, raspberry, water melon, Korean melon, apricot, citron, and guava. According to the present invention, it is also possible to add additional ingredients which are good for health or other flavoring ingredients as well.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.식용유나 올리브유에 과일즙이나 과일건조가루를 넣어 몸에좋고 맛있는 식용기름을 만든다.넣는 과일의 종류에는 배,파인애플,석류,복숭아,오렌지,딸기,바나나,체리,망고,귤,코코넛,레몬,모과,사과,자몽,메론,매실,복분자,수박,참외,살구,유자,구아바 가 있다.2.맛을 내는재료나 그밖의 몸에 좋은 재료를 첨가할 수 있다.