1. A method for automatically by a processor, determine the surface damage of the first surface of the urine measuring system, a first surface intended to come into contact with urine, the method comprises the following main steps: a) re-measure one or more capacitance values of the first surface forming capacitive measurement b) saving all or representative samples capacitance measurements c) deciding, on the basis of changes in capacitance measurements stored, that there was a significant spoilage a surface of the first surface, and wherein a decision is performed by comparing the most recent values with previous values so that the first smallest value measured during the first predetermined period or the second smallest value measured during the second predetermined period is compared with the most recent the smallest value measured during the most recent period, and if they find that the most recent minimum value is higher than a predetermined value n ervogo alternatively the second, the lowest value, then make the decision that there was a significant deterioration of the first surface poverhnosti.2. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the first surface is a surface of the replaceable part of operating system urine, and wherein the replaceable part has an inner side kotorayavhodit contacted with urine and a proximal outer side, not intended to come into contact with urine, but very close to the inner side, and the electrodes to be used1. Способ автоматического, с помощью процессора, определения порчи поверхности первой поверхности системы измерения мочи, первая поверхность предназначена для того, чтобы входить в контакт с мочой, способ включает в себя следующие основные этапы:a) повторное измерение одного или нескольких емкостных значений первой поверхности, формирующих емкостные измеренияb) сохранение всех или репрезентативных выборок емкостных измеренийc) принятие решения, на основе изменения сохраняемых емкостных измерений, о том, что произошла зна