The present invention is an existing belt-type neck protector that is currently in use, the general neck protector is a reality that is not comfortable for all people with protruding parts of the submandibular neck (shoulder bone) and hard to protect the neck. We have improved this incompatibility, and this utility model is considered to be highly practical, solidly protecting the neck and free of discomfort, which will help to improve the recovery of people who have injured neck or spinal cord injury. As a result of my wearing, I had to fix it and fix it, but it was a part of the spine of the neck. If worn tightly, the protruding parts (buttock bones) and the surface of the guard come into contact, which is not suitable in that various problems such as pain, difficulty breathing and pain in the forearm occur. All of the current neck protectors are wearing loose, so they do not help with mock fixation and quick recovery of patients. As a result of grooving on the part where the upper part of the neck guard touches the currently used neck guard, it is easier to help the recovery faster by eliminating the unsteady lowering of the neck and fixing the neck more firmly and stably. In addition, depending on the thickness of the neck is divided into (大, 中, 小), but for the product to be used as a designed to open the both ends to fit the neck thickness of the patient to adjust the contents (forked sponge) to all patients It is designed to be convenient to use so that there is no quick recovery and inconvenience.본 고안은 기존의 띠 형식 목보호대로서 현재사용중인 일반형 목 보호대는 턱밑 목의 돌출부분(후돌뼈)가 있는 모든 사람이 착용하기에는 불편하고 견고하게 목 보호를 하지 못하고 있는 현실이다. 이러한 부적합한 사항을 개선하여본 것으로 실용성이 뛰어나며 목 보호를 견고히 하고 불편함이 없어 목의 상처나 목 척추 손상을 입은 자의 보다 빠른 회복을 돕는데 증진 될 것으로 생각 되여 본 실용 신안서를 제출합니다.본인이 착용을 해본결과 고정을 시켜 안정을 취해야할 목의 척추부분 이었지만 목 앞쪽 돌출부분(후돌뼈)이 있어 견고히 착용을 할 수가 없다는 점이다. 견고히 착용을 하게 된다면 돌출된(후돌뼈)부분과 보호대의 면이 닿이게 되어 앞박 으로 통증과 호흡곤란 투통 외 여러 가지 복합적인 문제가 발생한다는 것에서 적합하지 못하다는 것이다. 현재 목 보호대를 하고 있는 모든 분들이 느슨한 상태로 착용을 하고 있기에 모의 고정과 환자들의 빠른