The present invention relates to a composite system for removing odor and malodor, simultaneously generating malodor of acidic, alkaline, and neutral compounds and aroma materials. According to the present invention, the composite system for removing odor and malodor, simultaneously generating malodor of acidic, alkaline, and neutral compounds and aroma materials comprises an H_2SO_4 scrubber (100), an NaOH scrubber (200), an OH-radical scrubber (300), a suction fan (500), and a water scrubber (400) to separately correspond to odor and malodor, simultaneously generating malodor of acidic, alkaline, and neutral compounds and aroma materials, and to process the same. The composite system selectively corresponds to acidic, alkaline, and neutral malodor and aroma materials and processes the same of a business place where not only malodor but also various kinds of aroma materials are generated. Accordingly, the composite system processes the malodor and the aroma materials to be a reference limit value or less at an outlet based on an air dilution sensory method (a dilution factor) as a composite malodor measurement method among Korean regulation criteria for outlets by simultaneously removing and processing, in an efficient manner, malodor and aroma materials of a business place where malodor and aroma materials are mixed and generated. The composite system can prevent a civil complaint, caused by continuous exposure to aroma materials rather than malodor.본 발명은 산성, 알칼리성, 중성화합물 악취와 향(Aroma) 물질이 동시에 발생하는 냄새 및 악취를 각각 대응하여 처리하기 위하여 H2SO4스크러버(100), NaOH스크러버(200), OH-라디칼스크러버(300), 흡입팬(500), 워터스크러버(400)로 구성되어 있어 악취뿐만 아니라 다양한 향(Aroma)물질이 발생하는 사업장의 산성, 알칼리성, 중성 악취 및 향(Aroma)물질을 선택적으로 대응하여 처리함으로써 악취와 향(Aroma)물질이 혼합되어 발생하는 사업장의 악취 및 향(Aroma)물질을 동시에 효율적으로 제거 및 처리하여 국내 배출구 규제기준 중 복합악취측정법인 공기희석관능법(희석배수)를 배출구에서 기준치 이하로 처리하며, 악취가 아닌 향(Aroma)물질의 지속적 피폭에 의한 민원 발생을 해소시킬 수 있다.