Клюкин Лемарк Михайлович (RU),Морозов Сергей Юрьевич (RU)
1. A method for semi-automatic diagnose pathologies of mammary glands of a patient, comprising preparing the mammary glands of a patient for diagnosis, subsequent scanning of the stationary gradient field skin surface temperature of its mammary glands contact temperature sensors mounted in the elastic brassiere and interconnected conductors, entering the resulting scan data a remote computer, processing the data in accordance with a pre-installed therein algorithm, deducing on the computer results of diagnosing the monitor screen as a picture transmitted by wireless communication of said stationary gradient field skin surface temperature of its mammary glands representing presence or absence of abnormalities in the patients breast by using their termosemioticheskih signs otlichayuschiysyatem that initially to scan the established temperature sensors, is calibrated by exposing elastic brassiere for 5 minutes in a room designated for conducted Ia examination and comparison of their impedances with respect to one selected temperature sensor, and then put on a patient selected in accordance with the parameters of the patients breast elastic brassiere and provide contact temperature sensors with skin surface of its mammary glands, which to be examined patient breast tightly crimped with an elastic frame is then determined depending on the breast volume output time a steady state of said thermal sensors and define it in a control panel by the Introduction1. Способ для полуавтоматического диагностирования патологий молочных желез пациента, включающий подготовку молочных желез пациента для проведения диагностирования, последующее сканирование стационарного градиентного поля температуры кожной поверхности его молочных желез контактными термодатчиками, установленными в эластичном бюстгальтере и соединенных между собой проводниками, ввод полученных в результате сканирования данных в удаленный компьютер, обработку полученных данных в соответствии с предварительно установленным