Antifungal and/or antimicrobial agents, including an extract from Reynolds salts; one or more alcohols or glycerins; 2-[2-[3,4-bis-(2-methyetoxi) Oxolan-2-il]-2-(2-methyetoxi) etoxi) ethyl and/or Laurier sodium sulfate; and at least one antifreeze, a carrier or an organism. I'm against you.
Formulation comprising one or more Derivatives of anthraquinone containing an activity against plant pests; method to modulate infection fitopat u00f3gena,Fungal and / or Bacterial and / or infestation of Plants by plant pests.<;p>;Formulació;n que comprende uno o má;s derivados de antraquinona que contienen una actividad contra plagas de las plantas; mé;todo para modular la infecció;n fitopató;gena, fú;ngica y/o bacteriana y/o infestació;n de las plantas por las plagas de una planta.<;/p>;