An object of the present invention with a canopy with folding dog feces toilet, after receiving a stool when it went out to walk the dog, without or fall is small droppings from the gap of dog feces device, also housed in the corner of the dog feces device torn the plastic bag and also prevent that or damage, also, once the dog of that there is no folding of the passers-through plastic bag feces will spill from the toilet, even if housed in a plastic bag would see a shit It provides a shit toilet bowl. A put a crease 8 for folding again than at the crease 5 of the intermediate portion of the bottom surface of the box of the eaves with a folding toilet. Box If you folded the fold 8 is not open easily, or spill dung from the gap, that would avoid hit the corner of the toilet bowl in a plastic bag eliminated.BACKGROUND.【課題】庇付折り畳み式犬糞便器をもって、犬の散歩に出かけた際糞便を受けた後、犬糞便器の隙間から小さい糞が落下したりせず、また、犬糞便器の角で収容するビニール袋が裂けて破損したりすることも防げ、また、いったんビニール袋に収納しても便器から糞がこぼれてしまいビニール袋をとおして通行人に糞がみえてしまうことがない折り畳み式の犬糞便器を提供する。【解決手段】庇つき折り畳み式便器の箱の底面の中間部の折り目5のところより再度折り畳むための折り目8をつける。この折り目8を折り畳めば箱は容易には開かず、隙間から糞がこぼれたり、ビニール袋に便器の角が当たりさけてしまうことがなくなる。【選択図】図1