PURPOSE: Fermented paste using coffee beans, and a producing method thereof are provided to offer the unique flavor and soft taste of the coffee beans to fermented beans and red pepper paste.CONSTITUTION: A producing method of fermented paste using coffee beans comprises the following steps: soaking coffee beans in 80-130 deg C water for 1-12 hours adding ferment bacillus into the water soaked coffee beans for fermenting the mixture at 25-60 deg C for 20-30 days drying the obtained fermented beans at 30-60 deg C for 3-7 days crushing the dried and fermented beans, and roasting the dried beans at 60-120 deg C: aging the roasted and fermented beans at 30-50 deg C for 30-60 days, and crushing the aged beans adding saccharide, organic acid, amino acid, salt, or flavoring agents into the fermented beans and sieving the mixture using a 100 mesh sieve, and producing fermented bean paste using the sieved mixture.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2013[Reference numerals] (AA) Soaking coffee beans in water (AAA) Drying red pepper paste (BB) Fermented bean powder (CC) Roasted and fermented beans (DD) Crushing the dried and fermented beans (EE) Roasting the fermented beans (FF) Drying the fermented beans (GG) Injecting ferment bacillus (HH) Fermented beans (II) Aging the fermented beans (JJ) Roasting the fermented beans (KK) Crushing the aged and fermented beans (LL) Roasting the aged and fermented beans (MM) Aged and fermented bean powder (OO) Inserting additives (PP) Aging (QQ) Soy sauce (RR) Separating materials (SS) Fermented bean paste (TT) Fermented bean powder (UU) Crushing the dried and fermented bean paste (VV) Drying the fermented bean paste (WW) Red pepper paste powder (XX) Mixing all the additional materials (YY) Crushing the dried red pepper paste (ZZ) Red pepper paste powder본 발명은 커피를 이용하여 커피 특유의 향미가 있고 맛이 부드러운 원두를 이용한 청국장, 청국장가루, 볶음 청국장, 숙성 청국장, 숙성 청국장가루, 간장, 된장, 된장가루, 고추장, 고추장가루 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명은 상기한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 안출된 것으로서, 본 발명의 목적은 커피 특유의 향미가 있고 맛이 부드러운 원두를 이용한 청국장, 청국장가루, 볶