An agricultural machine (1) comprises a chassis (2) bearing an arm (5) that has first and second ends (6, 7) and can take up a lateral position relative to the chassis (2), a first unit (10) being connected to the arm (5) and extending laterally between the first and second ends (6, 7), a second unit (11) being connected to the arm (5) and extending laterally beyond the second end (7), a device (12) connecting the second unit (11) to the arm (5) close to its second end (7) and allowing it to pivot relative to the arm (5) about a second longitudinal axis (13) near to the second end (7), a mechanism (14) that imparts movement to the members (15, 16, 17) of the first and second units (10, 11) and is carried by the arm (5) close to the second end (7). According to the invention, the device (12) connects the first unit (10) to the arm (5) close to its second end (7), allows the first unit (10) to pivot in operation relative to the arm (5) about a first longitudinal axis (25) near to the second end (7), has an axis (26) that is oriented upwards in operation and about which the mechanism (14) is pivotably mounted on the arm (5), and the mechanism (14) and at least one of the first and second units (10, 11) can, in a lateral position of the arm (5) relative to the chassis (2), pivot jointly about said axis (26).Une machine (1) agricole comporte un châssis (2) portant un bras (5) ayant des première et deuxième extrémités (6, 7) et pouvant occuper une position latérale relativement au châssis (2), une première unité (10) étant reliée au bras (5) et sétendant latéralement entre les première et deuxième extrémités (6, 7), une deuxième unité (11) étant reliée au bras (5) et sétendant latéralement au-delà de la deuxième extrémité(7), un dispositif (12) reliant la deuxième unité (11) au bras (5) au voisinage de sa deuxième extrémité (7) et lautorisant à pivoter relativement au bras (5) autour dun deuxième axe (13) longitudinal proche de la deuxième extrémité(7), un mécanisme (14)