FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: rabbit hyperimmunization is carried out by antigen, which is an antigen of plasmid-containing pneumococcus strain, inactivated with formalin. Vaccine immunization is performed in anauricular vein, wherein rabbit immunization with the mentioned antigen is carried out at an interval between each injection, then immunogenic properties are determined in producer, blood is collected, followed by separation and conservation of the resulting serum. In order to produce vaccine of one series, 16-hour culture grown on semi-synthetic nutritional medium is used, which cells are separated by centrifugation. Sludge is resuspended in physiological solution and is inactivated by warming-up, then cells are washed off with physiological solution containing 0.25% of formaldehyde, and microbial suspension corresponding to 4×109 mcr.kl./ml is prepared, wherein pneumococcal microbial cells are washed off before immunization again. Vaccine immunization is carried out 3 times a week for 4 weeks: the first week at doses of 1×108 mcr.kl./ml, the second week - 5×108 mcr.kl./ml, the third week - 1×109 mcr.kl./ml and the fourth week - 2×109 mcr.kl./ml, in the fifth week blood is taken, serum is obtained and its activity is checked in the agglutination reaction (AR), which titer must be in the range of 1:3200-1:6400.EFFECT: use of this method enables to increase sera specific activity by using vaccines from microbial cells of each of the pneumococcal serotype and rabbit immunization scheme in the preparation.2 ex, 1 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к иммунологии, и может быть использовано для получения пневмококковых гипериммунных сывороток. Для этого проводят гипериммунизацию кроликов антигеном, представляющим собой инактивированный формалином антиген плазмидосодержащего штамма пневмококка. Иммунизацию вакциной проводят в ушную вену, причем иммунизацию кроликов указанным антигеном проводят с интервалом между каждой инъекцией, затем у продуцента определяют