A flexible vessel with a pressure compensator for the quantitative rearrangement of fluid drugs or nutrients, provided by injection or injection to patients.
The package includes a package (EST AMP), a package (EACUTE), a Lille filled with L AMP diluent, and a liquid.1. A bottle with a penetrating cap, containing a medical or nutrient substance, and a tube extending from the bag, and finally a coupling device and a drill hole; Oacute; cap; N;This is packaged in an EST AMP, EACUTE, elastic sealed case.Bottles and coupling devices as well as perforation and perforation; Oacute; N stored in the second case EST AMP; EACUTE; software seal;The tube includes a Porci Amp; Oacute; N between the first and second housing.From a location, an adjustable flow offset, in Oacute, where any communication is blocked, Oacute, between bottles and packages,Until the second position and ampere; Oacute; N, allowed in communication and ampere; Oacute; N, sealed side door syringe,Or a third position so that the bottle can be connected to the side opening. On the other side door of the flow migratorCombine a flexible tube with a horizontal filter; Oacute; FOBO,Finally, one and/or another case is formed: EACUTE; sealed iles as pressure and pressure compensation; OACUTE; N LT; /P GT;<;p>;EL ENVASE COMPRENDE UNA BOLSA ESTÉ;RIL LLENA DE DILUYENTE LÍ;QUIDO, UNA BOTELLA EQUIPADA CON UNA TAPA PERFORABLE QUE CONTIENE UNA SUSTANCIA MEDICINAL O NUTRICIONAL Y UN TUBO QUE SE EXTIENDE DESDE LA BOLSA Y TERMINA CON UN DISPOSITIVO DE ACOPLAMIENTO Y PERFORACIÓ;N PARA LA TAPA DE LA BOTELLA; DICHA BOLSA SE ALOJA EN UNA CARCASA ESTÉ;RIL FLEXIBLE SELLADA, MIENTRAS QUE LA BOTELLA Y EL DISPOSITIVO DE ACOPLAMIENTO Y PERFORACIÓ;N SE ALOJAN EN UNA SEGUNDA CARCASA ESTÉ;RIL FLEXIBLE SELLADA; EL TUBO COMPRENDE UNA PORCIÓ;N ENTRE LA PRIMERA Y LA SEGUNDA CARCASA, QUE ALOJA UN DESVIADOR DE FLUJO AJUSTABLE DESDE UNA PRIMERA POSICIÓ;N EN LA QUE IMPIDE CUALQUIER COMUNICACIÓ;N ENTRE LA BOTELLA Y LA BOLSA, HASTA UNA SEGUNDA POSICIÓ;N EN LA QUE PERMITE PONER LA BOLSA EN COMUNICACIÓ;N CON UNA ABERTURA LATERAL SELL