Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д.И. Менделеева" (РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева)
Якушин Роман Владимирович (RU),Чистолинов Андрей Владимирович (RU),Колесников Владимир Александрович (RU),Перфильева Анна Владимировна (RU)
A device for treating a liquid with a barrier discharge, including an external cylindrical electrode, which is a reactor vessel, an internal electrode made of metal, on the outer surface of which a dielectric polymer material is applied, a shaper of a film fluid stream into which the solution to be treated, a collector for collecting the treated liquid with its fitting outlet, a gas inlet fitting is integrated into the collector, which runs along the entire length of the reactor and is discharged through the gas outlet fitting, located in the upper part STI reactor internal electrode filled cooling electrolyte is an electrolyte entry fitting, and at the top of the reactor bottom - fitting its output.According to the proposed utility model, the novelty is that in the interelectrode space located between the inner electrode made of metal, the dielectric polymer material is applied to its outer surface, and the film fluid stream passing through the inner surface of the outer cylindrical electrode, which is the reactor vessel, a heat-resistant polymer mesh with a mesh size of 4-10 mm 2 was installed, on the surface of the threads of which a catalytically active layer containing metal oxides was applied, p used in the reactions of heterogeneous catalysis of the oxidation of aromatic organic substances.The proposed design of the device provides simultaneous disinfection and oxidation of difficultly oxidized organic substances, which leads to a decrease in the rate of chemical oxygen consumption of the treated water.Устройство обработки жидкости барьерным разрядом, включающее внешний цилиндрический электрод, являющийся корпусом реактора, внутренний электрод, выполненный из металла, на внешнюю поверхность которого нанесен диэлектрический полимерный материал, формирователь пленочного потока жидкости, в который поступает обрабатываемый раствор, коллектор для сбора обработанной жидкости со штуцером ее вывода, в коллектор встроен штуцер ввода газа, который проходит по всей длин