This invention provides a concentrated-oxygen supplying apparatus which allows the compressed air to pass through the canister containing zeolite absorbent, and the apparatus comprising: (1)a pair of canisters for selectively absorbing the nitrogen in atmospheric air by zeolite adsorbent and then to produce oxygen; (2)a filter for filtering the atmospheric air to be used for producing compressed air; (3)a motor driving compressor for generating compressed air from the air filtered by said filter; (4)rechargeable butteries for supplying electric power for the apparatus including the motor of compressor; (5)a switching valve for alternately providing the compressed air of said two canisters; (6)a tank for storing the generated oxygen. The main housing of the apparatus comprises a cylinder and an air inlet, and the filter means and the compressing means, which has a motor for driving piston sealed in the channel of cylinder to move to and fro as a crank are constructed in one-piece molded style with the air inlet.本發明之目的在於提供一種氧氣濃縮裝置,係將壓縮空氣通過收放在筒體之沸石吸附劑中,並具備(1)一對吸附筒:用來以上述吸附劑選擇性地吸附氮氣而產生氧氣,(2)過濾機構:用以過濾上述製作壓縮空氣之原料空氣,(3)壓縮機構:其以馬達驅動,而由上述過濾機構所過濾之空氣製得上述壓縮空氣,(4)充電式電池:用以供應包含上述驅動馬達之電力,(5)轉換閥:能夠切換上述一對吸附筒以交替供應壓縮空氣,以及(6)容器:用以貯存上述產生之氧氣;其特徵為上述壓縮機構具備由汽缸室(以密封狀態引導被電動馬達驅動而依曲軸運動而往復動作之活塞)及空氣導入口形成之主機箱,並經由上述空氣導入口將上述過濾機構與上述壓縮機構一體化。