Various diseases which it is related to aldose reductase obstruction simultaneously with various diseases which it is related to AGE formation such as the complication of diabetes the latter-term saccharification end product which remedies simultaneously and prevents (AGE) offer of the formation inhibiter and the aldose reductase inhibiter, and the medical supply, the composition and the eating and drinking item which contain these active ingredients. From the plant raw materials and the like concentrating or extracting, or the anthocyanin which can, because it is useful as a AGE formation inhibiter and an aldose reductase inhibiter, combining the composition which includes these, offers the medical supply and the food which become.糖尿病の合併症などAGE生成に関連する各種疾患と同時にアルドース還元酵素阻害に関連する各種疾患を同時に治療及び予防をする後期糖化最終生成物(AGE)形成阻害剤兼アルドース還元酵素阻害剤、並びにこれら有効成分を含有する医薬品、組成物、飲食品の提供。植物原料などから濃縮あるいは抽出して得られるアントシアニンは、AGE形成阻害剤兼アルドース還元酵素阻害剤として有用であるため、これらを含む組成物を配合してなる医薬品、食品を提供する。