The present invention provides a calcified tissue facing preparationcharacterized by having a polymerizable resin, and an antimicrobial agent offormula (I) where R1 is a hydrocarbon radical having between 1 and 16 carbonatoms, n is an integer between 1 and 8 inclusive and X is a halogen atomselected from fluorine, chlorine or bromine. It is appreciated that R1includes unsaturated hydrocarbon radicals, as well as heteroatom containingradicals. Preferably, the molecule of formula (I) is associated with an adductspecies. A solvent and the complementary spectrum antimicrobial benzalkoniumchloride are also optionally added. An antimicrobial oral rinse excluding thepolymerizable resin contains at least 0.2 % by weight of the antimicrobialagent.